Nele Bergmans
Iterations by Alex McMillanWill You Carry Me? by Rosie Ellison-BalaamInterview with Nele Bergmans about Jhuley Lal Residency

Will You Carry Me? - Review

December 2022, written by Rosie Ellison-Balaam on the occasion of the exhibition 'Will You Carry Me? at Lot Projects, November 2022.

Will You Carry Me? was held at Lot Projects in late November 2022. The exhibition centred around one phase of artist Nele Bergmans work. The show consisted of a series of stacked stone sculptures which were elevated to different heights on crisp white podiums; pinned to the walls were large scale monochromatic and coloured drawings of stones, with a couple of small painted works depicting the central sculptures.

Although the exhibition closed a few months ago, I am still thinking about the stones. As she outlined in its accompanying text, 'How many times have we encountered stones on our walks or journeys, catching the eye with their unexplainable beauty, asking us, Will You Carry Me?'. They have caught me, although not like a pebble on a beach, which I’ve pocketed and taken home to live on a bookshelf or in a storage box; the feeling is different, they are still present.

Bergmans touch is perhaps the difference, with the stacked and carefully composed stone sculptures balancing texture, colour, and scale, as well as, more physically, weight. Some of the sculptures were made on the Isle of Portland, which you can see in the works: leftover blocks from the quarry floor and pebbles from the surrounding beaches; Bergmans identifies each’s origin through her linguistic choice of ‘stone’ and ‘pebble’. 

In Lay me down (2022), we see these types of stone interact, two natural grey pebbles support three rectilinear Portland Stone slabs, which are topped with a natural brown pebble. There is very little alteration to the shapes and texture of the sculptures, if any, yet there is a transformation from stones to artworks. Bergmans use of natural material brought into the gallery in a ‘found’ state echoes with conceptual art’s concern with the different experiences conveyed by different visual systems; in this context Lay me down and the other works on display, become not only a sculptural configuration but a way of representing a distant place, through the presence of materials gathered there. They force the viewer to look beyond the gallery, as they give a solid form to the ineffable relationships found in nature between pattern, form, texture, and colour. It's like all the pebbles I’ve picked out on beaches; their smoothness, roundness, temperature, or opacity in that moment, light, and setting is captured.

In fact, all these stones and pebbles are alive, a mineral life that has been continually transformed; from its creation hot in the earth’s core, and its flattening, layering, and folding as it was pushed the surface, to its erosion by wind and water. In Bergmans transformation a moment of the stone’s life has been captured.

Will You Carry Me? was an ode to moments in nature, a celebration of its inherent balance of colours and form, the joy of picking them up, and carrying them around.

Will You Carry Me? was held at Lot Projects from the 25th to the 26th November 2022.